What to purchase - OTG or Microwave to bake cake at home

Whenever talk about home made cookies and cakes come, me and my friends discuss about OTGs and Microwaves. Still many of my friends prefer OTGs to bake those delicacies inspite of having convection microwaves. Not that they dont know to bake a cake in that but they fear of hardening it or cooking it much more than required than the needed. Many of my relatives who own a microwave still use it to reheat, or to cook dishes like oats etc and have never tried out many dishes. But before I purchased my LG Convection microwave, I decided to check out the difference between OTG and Microwaves and whether I should go for convection or for a solo microwave and a OTG.

Eventually, I ended up purchasing a microwave oven as I got convinced from various websites that a cake can be baked in convection mode of microwave. Microwaves normally comes in 3 types,
         Basic or Solo which can be used for basic cooking and reheating.
         Microwave with grill helps in grilling, baking cokies and cakes.
         Microwave with convection which also include grill - which is a all in one cooking gadget. You can cook, reheat, bake grill all with equal ease.

How is a microwave different from OTG
    OTG have heating elements on the top and bottom and either one or both the coils can are used while cooking in OTG. That is for grilling the dishes only the top coil is heated and for baking cakes or cookies both the coils are heated. An OTG can be used to reheat frozen dishes, barbecue, keep the baked or grilled dish warm, grill dishes and can bake cakes and cookies. The OTGs cook pretty slowly when compared to Microwaves.

In general, to bake cake in OTGs one need to pre heat it and use the right recipe and spend some quality time to bring out the recipe the right way.

OTGs are available from Rs. 2000.00; Solo Microwaves are available as low as Rs. 3000.00. But if anyone decides to go for just one gadget, it is better to go for any of the convection microwave models.


Anonymous said…
Nice article
Nikhil said…
Good Article.
Most of the articles regarding OTG & Microwave comparision date back to 2007-2008.
This one is quite recent and considers capabilities of latest MW Ovens in which grill function is also at par with OTG grill and microwave & convection cooking are additional advantages.
Unknown said…
There is a query regarding purchase of OTG. I m bit confused about Morphy Richards and Bajaj. I want to buy 28 L Morphy but the problm with it is, its not having rotating fan inside, but same capacity bajaj is having the fan. On the contrary Morphy 40L has the fan. Is 40L really required for a family of 4. Mam pls suggest whether to buy 18L/28L or Morphy/Bajaj.or u want to suggest some other brand ? I m having IFB25sc3 convection microwave @ home.
Unknown said…
Priya, 40 litres is quite a big one for a family of four.... Better to buy the Bajaj one :-)